This is the "Team Bloob" entry to the GMTK 2021 GameJam.

PLEASE ONLY USE  W, A, S, D  to move!!

There is a slight bug with the UI, but this was discovered only after the game was uploaded for submission :( Not enough time to fix.


Kyle Terry - Project Lead, Programming Lead, 3D Voxel Artist, UI Artist.

Kyran Meacham - Music Lead

Rockiii - Lead Artist and Animator

Michael Cottam - Programming and Git setup

Special Thanks - James Lucas (for external help with script debugging.)


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Not managing to progress past the second platform with the second character, can't jump high enough! Am I missing something?

Hi there! Not missing anything, just gotta shoot the gun at the peak of the jump to hit the button! (really I should have made the button lower but, time restraints stopped that change!)